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收藏微世界  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-10-28 10:00
 藏品紧急征集中,瓷器、玉器、青铜器,古玉,古钱币。化石,陨石道光通宝,中国古代钱币之一,铸于清宣宗道光年间(1821-1850年)。道光通宝形制特点基本与嘉庆钱相同,所不同者只是新疆际克苏、库车因缺少黄铜而开始铸折五当十升值平钱,这是清代虚值大钱的滥觞。道光通宝只少数钱背有星月纹以及记地、记年、记值的汉字,但却不多见。Daoguang Tongbao, one of the ancient Chinese coins, was cast in Emperor Daoguang, Xuanzong, Qing Dynasty (1821-1850).  The shape and characteristics of Daoguang Tongbao are basically the same as that of Jiaqing's money, except that Xinjiang's Jikesu and Kuqa started to make 50 to 10 yuan worth of flat money due to a lack of brass, which was the origin of the nominal big money in the Qing Dynasty.  Daoguang Tongbao has only ………………………………

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