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备考CATTI  · 公众号  ·  · 2022-04-05 08:14
弘扬企业家精神。promote an entrepreneurial spirit.答错了没关系~点击空白处查看吧!国家支持平台企业创新发展、增强国际竞争力,同时要依法规范发展。The state supports platform enterprises in pursuing innovative development and enhancing international competitiveness, while ensuring that their business operations are well-regulated in accordance with the law. 答错了没关系~点击空白处查看吧!强化反垄断和防止资本无序扩张,We will step up efforts against business monopolies and guard against unregulated expansion of capital,答错了没关系~点击空白处查看吧!坚决维护公平竞争市场环境。ensure fair market competition.答错了没关系~点击空白处查看吧!深化财税金融体制改革。We will deepen reforms of the fiscal, taxation, and financial systems.答错了没关系~点击空白处查看吧!强化预算约束和绩效管理,We will strengthen budget constrai ………………………………

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