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天同诉讼圈  · 公众号  · 法律  · 2018-09-24 18:00
How can an expert witness help you in international commercial arbitration?国际商事仲裁程序和专家证人的角色和作用International commercial arbitration is an effective means of resolving cross border commercial disputes. It is worthwhile for Chinese business people understanding or even grasping ins and outs of international arbitration procedures, as Chinese companies have been involved in international business transactions to a deeper degree than before and they cannot avoid disputes; and as many of them perceive international arbitration as a strange animal coming from a foreign soil and simply misperceive it, resulting in negative consequences to their arbitration cases once in a while.  国际商事仲裁是解决跨境商事争端的有效手段。作为中国企业,有必要对国际商事仲裁程序有较为深刻的理解和掌握,这不仅是因 ………………………………

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