专栏名称: 脑科学
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脑科学  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-11-12 11:06
【主题】A new framework for understanding vision from the perspective of the primary visual cortex.【时间】2019年11月19日,13:00-15:00【地点】北京大学吕志和楼B101【报告人】李兆平 教授马克斯-普朗克研究所【邀请人】方方 教授AbstractVisual attention selects only a tiny fraction of visual input information for further processing. Selection starts in the primary visual cortex (V1), which creates a bottom-up saliency map to guide the fovea to selected visual locations via gaze shifts. This motivates a new framework that views vision as consisting of encoding, selection, and decoding stages, placing selection on center stage. It suggests a massive loss of non-selected information from V1 downstream along the visual pathway. Hence, feedback from downstream visual cortical areas to V1 for better decoding (recognition), through analysis-by ………………………………

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