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Economic Analyses of Social Networks(10)

金融经济学  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-04-23 22:27
10期编辑:李超  审核:王浩瀚Volume I: Theory Part II Models of Game and Behavior on NetworksBayesian Learning in Social NetworksNetwork Architecture, Salience and CoordinationStrategic Communication Networks1、Bayesian Learning in Social NetworksReview of Economic Studies, 2011, 78(4):1201-1236Daron Acemoglu, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyMunther A. Dahleh, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyIlan Lobel, New York UniversityAsuman Ozdaglar, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyAbstractWe study the (perfect Bayesian) equilibrium of a sequential learning model over a general social network. Each individual receives a signal about the underlying state of the world, observes the past actions of a stochastically generated neighbourhood of individuals, and chooses one of two possible actions. The stochastic process generating the neighbourhoods defines the net ………………………………

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