专栏名称: BioArt
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Cell Discovery杂志科学编辑(scientific editor)招聘启事

BioArt  · 公众号  · 生物  · 2017-07-24 15:56
Cell Discovery is a newly launched Open Access journal jointly published by Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology(SIBS) and Nature Publishing Group(NPG) (http://www.nature.com/celldisc/). The journal is seeking 1 full-time, in-house scientific editor to join its editorial team. The Scientific Editor will be trained to play roles in providing immediate and satisfactory supports to the Editor and Executive Editor in all aspects of manuscript processing, which include but are not limited to assessing submitted papers and overseeing the reviewing process. This will be an exciting opportunity for a talented individual to participate in shaping the future development of this new journal. The key qualities the journal looks for are breadth of scientific interest and the ability to think critically about a wide range of scientific issues. The minimum requireme ………………………………

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