专栏名称: 社会学理论大缸
网址www.sociologicaltheory.cn以抢二道贩子饭碗为目标,传达学习Sociological Theory等英文期刊前沿经典有关精神,抓好摘译推送中心工作,把推动汉语社会学理论发展作为根本遵循、行动指南和精神动力个屁。
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新政策| 苏格兰高校社科研究生奖学金,开放30%名额面向国际生

社会学理论大缸  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2020-12-04 08:15
Scottish Graduate School of Social Science (SGSSS) Open Studentship competitionThe application process for the Student-led Open Competition, for ESRC-funded PhD studentships commencing in autumn 2021, is now open.Prospective students are invited to submit applications by the deadline of 5pm on 7 January 2021.  We have extensive application guidance available for prospective students and their supervisors (see Competition Guidance and Documents section).【留意:不同高校开放的项目不太一样】链接:https://www.sgsss.ac.uk/studentships/open-competition/今年刚更新:开放给国际生了,有30%名额As per guidance published by UKRI in October 2020, a minimum of 70% of all studentships awarded by SGSSS will be made to home students, while a maximum of 30% of all studentships awarded canbe made to international students. Please note, it is not a requirement ………………………………

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