专栏名称: 艾扬格瑜伽学院
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预报名通知 | 2024年上半年艾扬格瑜伽Level 1评估考试

艾扬格瑜伽学院  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-11-03 15:32
点击蓝字,关注我们~预报名通知 | 2024年上半年艾扬格瑜伽Level 1评估考试Pre-registration Notice | Iyengar Yoga Certification Level 1 Assessment in the first half of 2024声明Statement遵照RIMYI(印度普纳拉玛玛妮艾扬格纪念瑜伽学院)指引,在评估委员会完成所有在册的候考准教师会员评估之前,中国内地不会有新的、被许可的师资培训课程。任何以培训教师为导向和目的的课程都不被RIMYI认可。Following RIMYI's guidelines, there will be no new, recognized TTCs in the Mainland of China until the Assessment & Teacher Training Committee has completed all registered candidates’ (Pre-teacher members) assessments. Any courses that are leaded and aimed at training teachers are not recognized by RIMYI.根据RIMYI提出的指引以及评估委员会的工作安排,拟于2024年上半年开始正式安排Level1评估考试。Following the guidelines proposed by RIMYI and the work schedule of th ………………………………

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