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英国传统购物街的未来  The future of Britain's high streets丨随身英语

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2019-12-18 21:27
1812-2019  晚上好!欢迎收听今天的BBC英语英国的传统商业街被称为 "high street" 高街,这是购物者过去购买时尚品牌和必需品的地方,也是能找到熟悉高街品牌商店和连锁咖啡馆的地方。然而现在,面对来自大型购物中心和互联网购物的竞争,传统购物街的数量逐年减少,再也不见往日的熙攘。“随身英语” 讨论英国购物街近年来的变化。Do you like shopping? For shopaholics in the UK, the place to head to used to be the "high street". This location refers to the streets in the centre of a town where businesses and popular branches of retail chains could be found. It was the place where you could find familiar fashion brands and essential everyday items. But change in our shopping habits has taken its toll on the British high street.News about shops losing money and shuttin ………………………………

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