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加措上师语录  · 公众号  · 佛学  · 2024-03-22 12:25
轮回的路上,注定要面对风雨,也将因此获得成功,因为它能创造出因坚持而获得幸福与快乐的奇迹。 人置身于某些事态中,往往会迷失自己,看不清事情发展的方向。 这时,便不如顺流而下的退后一步,暂且跳出圈外,以更深远的目光觉察事件的本质,从而确定自己前进的方向。---加措活佛Throughout life,we are fated toface difficulties which, when persevered though,can turn into miraclesof happiness and success.Sometimes we lose ourway when faced with aparticular situation; intimes like these,it is better to take astep back then be swept along with the flow;we can step outside thecircleand get a feel for the situation,helping us to betterdecide our next step.有缘请加我公众微信长按上图二维码即可添加 ………………………………

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