专栏名称: 深圳特区报
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深圳特区报  · 公众号  · 深圳  · 2020-10-22 12:09
On the global map of cities,it is far from being ancient.But as four decades elapse,it embraces a miraculous transformation and growth.在世界城市的版图上,它远谈不上古老,却用40年积淀,迎来奇迹般的蜕变与成长。This film is dedicated to Shenzhen.As time goes by,we wish our beloved cityride the wave tomore heights and depth.谨以此片,祝福深圳。在时光的奔流中,愿我们深爱的这座城市,向更深处,更远处,乘风破浪。Shenzhen in Depth-Promotional video of Shenzhen’s Internationalization at the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone深圳40周年国际形象片《深圳更深处》 3 minutes,360-degree view through time and space,In-depth sensing of 2000 square kilometers.You will never know what the next scene is,And this is exactly the most amazing part.3分钟,360 ………………………………

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