专栏名称: WallStreetTequila
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官方合作 | 顶尖瑞典咨询公司Kairos Future内推机会来了,跳过网申,简历直达面试官!

WallStreetTequila  · 公众号  · 留学  · 2019-03-21 09:26
有一个行业年薪接近百万,周一早上飞走周五飞回办公室,全年200多天在外辗转于SPG豪华酒店接触各种神奇的不同行业如果你希望接触到各行各业的精髓如果你希望涉猎不同行业和企业客户如果你能挑战各种复杂难题多方面提升自己的综合实力那么咨询这个行业非常适合你今天,WST就为大家带来了Kairos Future管理咨询公司的内推机会!↓ ↓Kairos Future是怎样的存在?Kairos Future is an international consulting and research company that helps companies, organizations and leaders to understand and shape their futures. We work as consultants for strategic futures, providing our clients with trend analysis and scenario planning, strategy and innovation, strategic change and capability development. Our aim is to make complexity actionable. The company was founded in 1993, has i ………………………………

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