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经济学人逝者 || 钢琴家、作曲家和融合爵士先锋阿曼多·奇克·柯瑞亚

一天一篇经济学人  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-02-27 12:54
1导读爵士大师Chick Corea的最后一条视频 2听力|精读|翻译|词组Music without limits音乐无极限英文部分选自经济学人20210219期逝者版块Obituary Chick Corea逝者:奇克·柯瑞亚Music without limits音乐无极限Armando “Chick” Corea, pianist, composer and pioneer of jazz fusion, died on February 9th, aged 79阿曼多·奇克·柯瑞亚、钢琴家、作曲家和融合爵士先锋,于二月九日去世,享年79岁。The instrument was new and shiny, trailing black cables across the stage, and Chick Corea did not much like the look of it. Nor, as he sat down and tapped the keys in his clear, springy style, did he much like the sound of it. The year was 1968, he was in trumpeter Miles Davis’s band, and he was sitting at a Fender Rhodes electric piano.这架新得发亮的钢琴,连接在几根横跨舞台的黑电线上。但是,奇 ………………………………

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