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CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-04-26 18:30
小小床帘近日多次登上热搜。“多地高校禁止学生挂床帘”的话题甚至一度冲上热搜榜首,网友各抒己见。There is a debate on whether students should be allowed to hang curtains around lofted beds in dormitories. Critics argue that these curtains hinder communication and pose fire safety risks.However, supporters see them as essential for maintaining privacy in shared living spaces. Netizens have flooded social media with comments, with the hashtag "many colleges forbid the use of dorm curtains" becoming a trending topic as people have many different opinions on it.据新疆医科大学网站3月27日消息,经学校相关部门研究,新疆医科大学集中回复了在座谈会上学生们反映较为集中的意见建议。图源:新疆医科大学官网“可否在学生宿舍安装床帘,可以有一个私密的空间?”针对这个问题,新疆医科大学相关部门回复称:学生公寓属于人员密集场所,宿舍里悬 ………………………………

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