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每日双语经济学人  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-07-12 07:00
(全文共303个词)背景介绍:Me too(我也是,美国反性骚扰运动),是女星艾丽莎·米兰诺等人2017年10月针对美国金牌制作人哈维·温斯坦性侵多名女星丑闻发起的运动,呼吁所有曾遭受性侵犯女性挺身而出说出惨痛经历,并在社交媒体贴文附上标签,藉此唤起社会关注。#MeToo in JapanA rare victory over sexual harassment      When a female reporter for TV Asahi told Shukan Shincho, a magazine, that Junichi Fukuda, the finance ministry's top bureaucrat, had repeatedly sexually harassed her, the reaction was galling.Taro Aso, the finance minister, said he had no plans to investigate Mr Fukuda.When the reporter provided audio recordings as evidence, Mr Fukuda said he couldn't be sure the voice was his."I only hear my voice through my own body," he explained. "For its part, TV Asahi apologised for t ………………………………

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