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幸福的味道  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-12-02 20:36
一个公众号的思想和执着点击上方蓝字‘幸福的味道’关注导读点击下方阅读原文,即可领取   验证码: 8wj3     如果下载失败,可以QQ:2338856113  联系我,我发给你。《All About Love:Anatomy of an Unruly Emotion》Lisa Appignanesi豆瓣评分无Unruly, unpredictable love is a maddening deity. In this insightful and eloquent meditation on that many-splendored thing, Lisa Appignanesi draws together psychology, literature, popular culture, and her own experiences in order to tangle with love's paradoxes across the span of our lives. Beginning with the rose-tinted raptures of first love, she proceeds to love in marriage, triangulated love, jealousy and adultery, love in the family, and friendship. By illuminating the expectations, the joys and difficulties, and the cultural undercurrents that accompany each stage, Appignan ………………………………

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