专栏名称: 猛犸君侯
知名教育博主 泛科普视频自媒体 Stay calm, stay cool and stay well — 24小时内国外最新纪录片和其他资源
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猛犸君侯  · 微博  · 教育  · 2020-01-23 21:28
2020-01-23 21:28 本条微博链接 【2020新片连载】【纪录片.BBC.曝光:英国教堂的黑暗秘密.Exposed.The.Church's.Darkest.Secret.S01.2020】英国Peter Ball主教被绳之以法的故事,并牵出英格兰教会最高层的秘密。全2集,A站英字已发。官网简介:The story of the individuals who brought Bishop Peter Ball to justice and the cover-up that went to the highest levels of the Church of England.Exposed: The Church's Darkest SecretEpisode 2 of 2Part Two of this emotional and powerful series covers the story of the survivors of Bishop Pet ………………………………

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