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加措上师语录  · 公众号  · 佛学  · 2024-03-24 09:51
一生中我们要经历许多事情,要相识相交许多人,而心灵像一个筛子,在世事颠沛流离中,慢慢的一些人就漏掉了。对于智者来说,他们漏掉的只是别人的过错与不足。他们不会刻意去记恨一个人,而会记住他人的好和善,并时时充盈自己那颗感恩的心。宽容、大气的生活,会让我们更容易感受到喜乐与安然。---加措活佛In a lifetime, a person has many experiences and meets many people. The mind is like a sieve, and throughout life's wanderings and hardships, there are things that will be leaked through the sieve. The mind of a wise person lets the faults of others leak out, and does not hold onto grudges. They will remember the kindness of others, leaving the wise with a grateful heart. A tolerant, generous outlook makes us experience a joyful and peaceful life more easily. 有缘请加我公众微信长按上图二维码即可添加 ………………………………

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