专栏名称: 报告达人
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报告达人  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-04-06 07:00
资料来源:贝恩获取方式:关注报告达人,后台回复“8”年资料包:2024年、2023年、2022年年度合集:招股书、国际投行、国内券商读 书  社: 4期、3期、2期、1期更多资料:10W+份报告、干货分享付费推广:推广报告(付费推广,欢迎洽谈)( 每日分享最新重磅报告,与投资人、企业高管、创业者、行业研究员等群成员大咖互动交流,实现拓展人脉、资源对接、项目合作等 )今天分享的报告是《2024年全球私募股权市场报告(英文版)》,版权归贝恩所有。As difficult as it was, the aftermath of the GFC followed a predictable pattern: To cope with the crisis,  central bankers slashed interest rates to spur activity, the economy slowly stabilized, and private  equity was able to claw its way back from what many predicted would be its unraveling. The resulting  period of growth in the years that followed created a private equity industry that i ………………………………

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