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东方雅韵,匠心传承 精品杂项共赏(214)

藏艺轩文化艺术  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-04-19 17:34
据国内主流新闻媒体腾讯、新浪、头条等竞相报道牛黄、马宝、羊宝、鹅宝等动物性结石具有味苦甘。有清热、解毒、定惊作用。内服治疗高热、神昏、小儿惊风、抽搐等症。外用治疗咽喉肿痛、口疮、痈肿疔毒等症的功效。其药用效果被东汉的《神农本草经》及李时珍的《本草纲目》所收录,并且在国内外名贵药材市场上一路见涨,成为各路投资者及收藏家的投资对象。According to the domestic mainstream news media Tencent, Sina, headlines and other competing reports of cattle bezoar, horse treasure, goat treasure, goose treasure and other animal stones with bitter taste. It has the functions of clearing away heat, detoxifying and astonishing. Oral administration was used to treat fever, dizziness, children's convulsions and convulsions. External treatment of ………………………………

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