专栏名称: 加措上师语录
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加措上师语录  · 公众号  · 佛学  · 2024-05-06 10:58
学会修布施,渐渐地你的财富会越来越圆满。 学会修持戒,渐渐地你的面容会越来越庄严。 学会修忍辱,渐渐地你的内心会越来越强大。 学会修精进,渐渐地你的福慧会越来越增上。 学会修禅定,渐渐地你的心灵会越来越安乐。 学会修般若,渐渐地你的认知会越来越光明。 学会六度,渐渐地你的世界会越来越喜乐安然。 ---加措活佛It's a kind of benevolence not to disturb other's peace. It's a kind of kindness not hurting other's self-esteem. We should accomplish the things, which we are supposed to do; we will lead a happy life by emitting our own light. Do not blow off other's lamp. Tolerance is a kind of cultivation of virtues, not cowardice, not timid. Tolerance is the understanding of other's difficulties, fostering the strengths of others and circumventing their weaknesses. Tolerance is a sort of virtue as well as kindness to others. While treating others well, y ………………………………

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