专栏名称: 商业地产观察
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图书馆外立面—— 水晶几何形状被雕刻出来

商业地产观察  · 公众号  · 房地产  · 2018-11-16 17:53
该建筑坐落一个复杂的城市环境中,一条全面运营的轻轨线在一条弯弯的半月形路上从上到下穿过场地,分隔市中心和东村。作为回应,该设计提升了封装列车线上的主要入口。缓缓地梯形斜坡延伸到建筑物的中心,允许从各个方向到达的人们与图书馆互动。Text description provided by the architects. The building is sited within a complex urban condition, where a fully operational Light Rail Transit Line crosses the site from above to below ground on a curved half- moon path, dividing Downtown and East Village. In response, the design lifts the main entry over the encapsulated train line. Gently terraced slopes rise up to the heart of the building, allowing for people arriving from every direction to interact with the library.户外露天剧场在露台上,提供场所让人们停留下来,让 ………………………………

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