专栏名称: 景观周
内容分享:系统性景观设计分享平台,每周精选景观设计相关干货分享。 媒体属性:推广行业优秀作品、优秀企业、优秀设计师,为行业服务。 知识社交:定期邀请大咖开设线上公开课,定期组织线下考察学习活动。
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捕捉光的容器 | 远洋·招商·保利 东湾体验中心

景观周  · 公众号  · 建筑设计  · 2019-11-18 17:51
▼Site / 场地项目位于广东广州增城,朱村大道西南侧,广州地铁21号凤岗站东侧。北侧为富士康科技小镇,东南西侧为高层住宅小区。未来开通21号地铁线快线战,周边常住业主将会倍增。The project is located in Zengcheng, Guangzhou, Guangdong, southwest of Zhucun Avenue, east of Fenggang Station, No. 21 Guangzhou Metro. The north side is Foxconn Technology Town, and the southeast side is a high-rise residential area. In the future, the Metro Line 21 Express Line will be opened, and the number of permanent residents will double.场地正前方是快速干道-朱村西大道。对这里的印象是工地噪音、疾驰而过大型施工车辆、尘土飞扬的马路,从疾行人们的面容里透露出的是不安与焦躁。Right in front of the site is the Expressway - Zhucun West Avenue. The impression here is that ………………………………

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