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社评:调整关税,促进双循环丨Lower tariffs dual circulation booster

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2020-12-25 09:31
According to the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council, the country will apply provisional import tariff rates that are lower than Most Favored Nation tariff rates to 883 commodities, starting Jan 1.This, along with parallel plans for tariff reductions next year under a number of bilateral and multilateral international agreements, is a precious New Year gift to both Chinese consumers and domestic and international markets.It will not only bring tangible benefits to people at home, but also provide a timely boost to the leadership's stated goal of vigorous "internal circulation" at home accompanied by a "higher level of opening up".Specifically, in order to reduce the financial burden on patients and their families, a second batch of raw materials for drugs for cancers and rare diseases as well as food items for children with special medical needs will be exempted from ta ………………………………

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