专栏名称: 考研英语时事阅读
据统计,考研英语文章90%来自国外的《The Economist》,《Times》,《Science》等杂志。本地持续更新。。。
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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-04-05 06:01
每早,与自己相遇。今日签到打卡句:A girl should be two things: classy and fabulousSmartphone use blamed for road deathsA sharp rise in US pedestrian deaths has been partly blamed on people using their smartphones while driving or crossing the road. A more recent factor contributing to the increase in pedestrian fatalities may be the growing use of smartphones by all road users, which can be a significant source of distraction for both drivers and pedestrians.factor   [ˈfæktɚ]fatality   [feˈtælɪti, fə-]音频来源:Joanna___________________________________上期精彩01-93琴紫口语团打卡规则听记:反复听主播朗读,建议听10遍以上,并将句子摘抄在笔记上,标注断句、重音、语调;录音:用手机录下自己的发音,反复听自己的录音,不断改进; ………………………………

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