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Classification and selection of offshore finance centers

道可特法视界  · 公众号  · 法律  · 2019-02-21 18:34
道可特法视界第1188篇原创文章01Offshore finance businessOffshore business refers to an international financial business that utilizes funds absorbed from non-residents to meet the financial needs of other non-residents. The client is a non-resident and the currency is limited to freely convertible currencies. As a special business organization, offshore companies have played an important role in the operation of international investment, international trade, property protection, international tax planning and other field. Most offshore registration sites have the following traditional features:1. Free currency exchange: Because there is no foreign exchange control or a dual exchange control that distinguishes between residents and non-residents, non-resident companies can be freer to engage in international trade settlement and payment.2. Perfect bank secrecy system: ………………………………

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