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Spotify再裁员,CEO Daniel Ek的Memo解读

Neo扯蛋物语  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-12-05 14:56
Spotify在2023 Q3财报转正之后,出人意料地选择在年底进行一次较大的裁员,直接砍掉17%的员工。在目前高息,注重市场确定性,利润率这些指标的大背景下,Spotify也是要为过去两年的招人付出代价的。之前也聊过,过去两年很多科技企业都招人过度,是因为疫情期间的需求暴涨,以及疫情期间看不清未来到底会持续多久的lockdown所致。那个时候,错判需求的暴增比误判需求持续时间可能还要安全一点。毕竟错判了,我裁员就好了,如果是真的持续很久的需求点出现没跟上,也许面临的是被淘汰。以下是Daniel Ek的Memo全文:Team, Over the last two years, we’ve put significant emphasis on building Spotify into a truly great and sustainable business – one designed to achieve our goal of being the world’s leading audio company and one that will consistently drive profitability and growth into the future. While we’ve made ………………………………

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