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英文歌教学:《Seasons In The Sun》西城男孩巅峰歌曲

安夏说英语  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-04-14 12:00
【视频节选版】→点击获取发音规则←刷爆全球的冬奥会推广曲《一起向未来》,英文版来啦!!一夜破2亿播放的《孤勇者》,英文版爆燃来袭!音频完整讲解版长按识别二维码开启完整模式 歌曲信息&歌词大意歌曲:Seasons In The Sun  歌手:Westlife (1)Goodbye to you, my trusted friend是时候道别了,我的挚友we've known each other since we were nine or ten咱俩认识时才九、十岁吧together we've climbed hills and trees咱们一起上树爬山做游戏learned of love and A-B-Cs一起学习,感悟爱的真谛skinned our hearts and skinned our knees一起心碎,一起哭哭啼啼 Goodbye my friend, it's hard to die珍重,我真不甘这么死去when all the birds are singing in the sky当鸟儿的歌声盘旋在天际now that the spring is in the air春日气息便化作芳香四溢pretty girls are every where美丽的女孩儿们追赶嬉戏think of me and I'll be there想我 ………………………………

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