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十点读书会  · 公众号  · 读书  · 2020-09-21 21:00
 ♪点击上方图标,马上收听双语节目点击打卡,将有机会获得包邮纸质书一本哦!Today is  Monday, Sept.21, 2020.First, listen to the dialogue twice, then try to answer the questions after the dialogue.首先,听两遍小对话,然后试着回答对话后的问题。 Amy: This is so exciting! I've never been to an auction before.Emily: Sit down. The auctioneer is ready to start the bidding.Amy: Are you bidding on the first lot?Emily: No, the reserve is too high.Amy: What are those people doing on the phone?Emily: They are bidding on behalf of people who can't be here.Amy: This is so much fun!Emily: Shhh! I'm going to bid on the next lot. Where's the paddle?Amy: I had it just a minute ago.Emily: Find it, or else I'm putting your head on the block.Q1:Has Amy been to an auction before?Q2:Will Emily bid on the second lot?Key words auction /ˈɑk ………………………………

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