专栏名称: 加措上师语录
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过去决定现在 现在决定未来

加措上师语录  · 公众号  · 佛学  · 2024-04-16 12:04
我们今生所有遇到的人和事,前世已注定。我们来世所有遇到的人和事,今生已注定。生命中的一切,我们都无需拒绝,笑着面对,不去埋怨。遇到的人善待,经历的事尽心,一切都是最好的安排。轮回路上就让善意盈盈的每一段,写着努力与光明,写着平安与喜乐,写着慈悲与智慧。---加措活佛Whomever we met and whatever we experienced in our present life, they had already been predestined in our previous life. Whomever we will meet and whatever we will experience in our next life, they have been determined in our present life. We should not reject anything in our life. Face up to it without complaining. Whomever we meet, treat them well. Whatever we experience, try our best. All in life is the best arrangement. On our road of reincarnation, please fill each phase of life with kindness, inscribe it with efforts and brightness, engrave it with peace and joy, and cherish it with compassion ………………………………

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