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可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2020-02-20 18:00
 【新朋友】点击标题下面蓝字【可可英语】加关注【老朋友】点击手机右上角图标【转发分享】内容Hide-and-seek捉迷藏Now hide the flowers beneath the snow,花朵藏在了雪中,Where Winter cannot find them;冬天的寻找,劳而无功;Their safety nooks he does not know,既不知道隐蔽的所在,They left no tracks behind them.也没留下一点行踪The little brooks keep very still,多少条小河一动也不动,Safe in their ice-homes lying;躺在冰屋里,平平安安;Let Winter seek them where he will,就让冬天到处乱找吧!They do not fear his spying.我们可不怕你的刺探。Gone are the birds: they’re hiding where The Winter never searches;小鸟不见了,冬天永不涉足它们躲藏的地方;Safe in the balmy southern air,它们沐浴在南国的芬芳里,They sing on sunlit perches,在晴日的 ………………………………

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