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夜船游锦江 | Jinjiang River Boat Trip during Chinese New Year

成都发布  · 公众号  · 成都  · 2019-01-20 13:49
锦江纵贯成都市中心腹地是成都的母亲河以江水清澄而著称坐在乌篷船里听着古乐欣赏成都夜景看锦江流水悠悠赏蓉城万家灯火……2月初开始市民就能坐船夜游锦江欣赏沿岸美景啦 Tourists will be able to appreciate the city’s night view by boat along the Jinjiang River, which winds through central Chengdu. 夜游航段从339成华公园码头到合江亭段分段行船全长约4.4公里串联起市沿岸339电视塔、兰桂坊、合江亭等片区游船有画舫、乌篷船每条船最多可乘坐8人During the 4.4-kilometer-long trip to be launched in early February, passengers can appreciate the city’s urban night landscapes and explore the local iconic attractions, including the 339 TV Tower, Lan Kwai Fong and Hejiang Pavilion. 为高质量打造“夜游锦江”的美好画卷在锦江两岸还将有梦 ………………………………

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