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China and US launch 10-year agreement to conserve giant pandas

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-04-28 12:21
The China Wildlife Conservation Association and the San Diego Zoo in the US have recently signed an agreement for giant panda conservation, selecting a pair of giant pandas to be sent to the San Diego Zoo for a 10-year international conservation partnership.To ensure the well-being of the giant pandas in the US, in March, experts from the China Wildlife Conservation Association traveled to the US to engage in in-depth discussions and technical exchanges with the San Diego Zoo regarding panda care, living environment, and health requirements.In line with the agreement, both parties are actively progressing with the preparations for the pandas' journey to the US. China has selected a pair of pandas, Yun Chuan (male) and Xin Bao (female), from the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda, and has arranged for experienced caretakers and veterinarians to accompany them to the US.The US is currently renovating and upgrading the panda facilities to provide a larger and more ………………………………

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