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draftsman 01.scale(制图员01.scale)

佐藤大Nendo设计  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-11-05 21:06
2014.06for by | nA wristwatch series, inspired by the drafting instruments draftsmen use to prepare precise plans and drawings.(受制图员使用的制图工具启发而制作的腕表系列,用于准备精确的平面图和图纸。)The first watch, scale, borrows the layout of a calibrated ruler. The scale marks are printed directly on the crystal rather than on the face to emphasise the link to gradations.(第一块手表,规模,借用一个校准直尺的布局。刻度标记直接打印在水晶上,而不是打印在脸上,以强调与渐变的关联。)We hoped our design would function like a tool to help wearers measure time as they would measure length.(我们希望我们的设计能够像工具一样发挥作用,帮助佩戴者测量时间,就像他们测量长度一样。) ………………………………

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