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社评:防控疫情关键,但切勿走极端 | Preventive measures should never go too far

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2020-02-19 09:21
Staying at home, no socializing, wearing a face mask if going anywhere have proved to be the most effective ways to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. It is therefore indeed necessary for communities to ensure residents adhere to these practices.For individuals, they must be aware that they have to sacrifice a lot in order to make sure as few people as possible get infected so that the spread of the virus will finally be brought under total control.However, what security guards or volunteers are doing to seal residential areas or neighborhoods should never go too far. They need to bear in mind the principle that what they are doing is meant to prevent the spread of the virus, not prohibit people's freedom, or harm their legitimate rights.It was reported that a family of three were playing mahjong in a city of Hubei province, which has been hit the hardest by the virus, w ………………………………

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