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地球科学 | SCI期刊专刊信息3条

Call4Papers  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2020-02-18 10:23
地球科学Journal of South American Earth Sciences Call for Paper for Special Issue New advances on SAR Interferometry in South America全文截稿: 2020-03-31影响因子: 1.655中科院JCR分区:  • 大类 : 地学 - 4区  • 小类 : 地球科学综合 - 4区网址: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-south-american-earth-sciences“New advances on SAR Interferometry in South America” is a Special Issue aimed to highlight the advances of SAR Interferometry and Speckle Tracking techniques that have been gained in South America since 2014, year in which ESA Sentinel 1’s and JAXA ALOS2 sensors began to systematically acquire data over the entire region. Contributions addressing successful application of InSAR based methods in South and Central America, including topics like topographic mapping, crustal deformation, ice motion, atmospheric studies, proce ………………………………

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