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第06家EDITION:Edition Shanghai X Neri&hu

印际  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-01-06 19:46
我们面临的挑战是在充满活力的装饰艺术街区建筑和后现代主义建筑之间建立一座桥梁。--Neri & HuThe challenge was to create a bridge between the vibrancy of the art deco block building and the brutalism of the post-modern tower.继伦敦、纽约、三亚、迈阿密和土耳其EDITION 成功开幕后,上海EDITION也于2018年7月31日正式揭开帷幕。美国精品酒店先锋 Ian Schrager 将新旧世界的精髓融为一体。这一雄心勃勃、富有想象力的项目将两座个性鲜明又相辅相成的历史建筑联通,打造出上海别具一格的酒店建筑。Following the successful opening of London, New York, Sanya, Miami and Turkey, Shanghai EDITION officially opened on July 31, 2018. American boutique hotel pioneer Ian Schrager combines the essence of the old and new worlds. This ambitious and imaginative project brings to ………………………………

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