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xsser的博客  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-02-10 19:08
Java代码@RequestMapping(value = "/testRequest",method = RequestMethod.GET)public ModelAndView selectUser(int id) throws IoException(Long userId = Long.parseLong(string.valueOf(id));User user = this.userService.selectUser(userId);ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView() ;string name = user.getUsername();String email = user.getEmail();mv.addobject("name", name);mv.addobject("email",email);return mv;CodeQL代码​from RequestMapping rmapping, Method m, ModelAndView mv, Call c, UserService us, DataFlow df1, DataFlow df2where rmapping.value = "/testRequest" and rmapping.method = RequestMethod.GET and rmapping.declaringType = m.declaringType and m.hasAnnotation(rmapping) and c.target = m and c.returnValue = mv and df1.to = c and df1.from = df2.to and df2.fromMethod = us.selectUser and df1.from.kind = "PARAMETER" and df1.from.name = "id"select c, "越权查询" ………………………………

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