专栏名称: TeacherGwen
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TeacherGwen  · 公众号  ·  · 2022-09-09 06:00
我们一起神翻译经典美文She steps back into the shed, allowing the door to close quickly behind her. Darkness or not, she moves rapidly around, reaching, touching cobwebs, cheese, slanting shelves, the pallet interfering with each step. If she stumbles, she is not aware of it because she does not know where her body stops, which part of her is an arm, a foot or a knee. She feels like an ice cake torn away from the solid surface of the stream, floating on darkness, thick and crashing against the edges of things around it. Breakable, meltable and cold.对话翻译A: 再次感谢你的午餐。B: 噢,我给你开门。A: 噢,好。再见到你真好。B: 对,是个惊喜。很高兴昨晚碰到你。A: 外面很冷。B: 对,没错,就像是南天极。A: 就像是超南天极如果有的话。B: 然而却没有。A: 嗯,谢谢你送我到门口。再次的,见到你很高兴。B: 我也是,嗯。保重。专项The project failed for want of financial backing.这 ………………………………

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