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阿尔法医学英语  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-09-27 20:25
前两天我在浏览BMJ时,发现了一个有趣的病例。先尝试自己阅读,点击每一段后的空白处显示本段落单词表(单词表可上下滑动)注:BMJ是英国的杂志,而某些单词的英美拼写并不相同,故在括号内标注了同一单词的美式拼写。A 92 year old man presented with recent onset of productive cough and fever up to 38.2°C.He had a history of atrial fibrillation and symptomatic tachycardia-bradycardia syndrome, for which he had undergone percutaneous implantation of a single chamber cardiac pacemaker six months earlier.Productive cough 排痰性咳嗽(咳痰)Atrial fibrillation 心房颤动Symptomatic 有症状的Tachycardia-bradycardia syndrome (心搏)快慢综合征Percutaneous 经皮的Implantation 移植,植入Single chamber cardiac pacemaker 单腔心脏起搏器At presentation he was afebrile and had ………………………………

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