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饥饿英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2019-09-26 19:40
摘要每天都有女性死于丈夫的毒手,土耳其艺术家瓦希特·图纳(Vahit Tuna)利用一幅由440双鞋组成的艺术品,发表了一个关于杀妻案的数据真相。原文地址:https://www.timeslive.co.za/news/world/2019-09-23-turkish-artist-hangs-440-pairs-of-shoes-in-memory-of-women-murdered-by-their-husbands/特别声明:本公众号会持续摘录英文文章供大家阅读学习。文中所有观点不代表老顾或者公司立场。原文和翻译Every day, women die at the hands of their partners, and Turkish artist Vahit Tuna will not sit back and watch. Instead, he has made a haunting statement on femicide through an artwork consisting of 440 pairs of shoes — the number of women killed by their husbands in Turkey in 2018.每天都有女性死于丈夫的毒手,土耳其艺术家瓦希特·图纳(Vahit Tuna)不会继续袖手旁观。相反 ………………………………

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