专栏名称: CoffeeSurong
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English Interview Questions ~ NO.1

CoffeeSurong  · 简书  ·  · 2018-09-17 23:00

1.How do you do ? How are you ? How do you feel today?

I am fine. Maybe  a little  nervous and little excited , yes ,also have a little happy.

2.Could you introduce  yourself ? Can you say something about yourself in English? Can you give me your self-introduction?

Yes, my Chinese name is *** ,and my English name is ***. I am 29 years old. I graduated from my university on 2012 , my university is  Guizhou Nationalities University ,my major is Travel Management.

3. Could you tell me your name ? Do you have English name ? Who gave you the English name ? Do you know the meaning of your English name ? How to spell your name ?

My Chinese name is *** and my English name is *** , there have a very interesting  story about my English name . When I went into my first hotel ,the HR gave a name to me ,the name is IVY, but some guy  did the wrong operation when he entered the information into the computer , changed my name from " Ivy " to "Tvy" , yes ,tvy , but later ,I have so many foreign guest friends ,they all call me " Tvy" so I decided to use this name continue.Just like , have a very nice captain from xiamen airline , he liked to make joke with me , when he came to the room ,he called the telephone to frond desk " Hi ,Tvy, my TVY is broken" and then I will answer " NO ,your tvy is very fine ,she is working on duty now." and when I went wo the new hotel ,I changed my English name to be " Ivy " , I know maybe " Ivy " more correct. ok ,my name is very easy to spell ,I -V- Y,and it is also a name of one kind of plant.and Ivy League is also a very famous university in USA.

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