专栏名称: 猛犸君侯
知名教育博主 泛科普视频自媒体 Stay calm, stay cool and stay well — 24小时内国外最新纪录片和其他资源
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猛犸君侯  · 微博  · 教育  · 2020-01-12 18:28
2020-01-12 18:28 本条微博链接 【连载】【纪录片.BBC.乡村动物传说.Wild.Tales.From.The.Village.2016】平凡而不平静的法国乡间古老村落,松鼠野猪貂鼠在森林在街道在民居之间上演活泼奇妙的戏剧。Tcheky Karyo旁白,为观众讲述一年间小动物们的故事。A站英字+720已发。官网简介:A year in the life of an extraordinary village, hidden away in the French countryside, showing the parallel world of tiny creatures that live side by side with unsuspecting humans.Animal drama that tells the story of a year in the ………………………………

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