专栏名称: 振公子
简书诗专题古诗词编审. 偶得诗词,记录所思。"如切如磋,如琢如磨"。 出版一本诗集《看哪,是谁在呼唤》(www.amazon.com ISBN-10: 1982099771; 含原创诗词215 首,2017版,中文版)。
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诗词西韵 (42) Waterfalls running afar 桂枝香 飞瀑流泉

振公子  · 简书  ·  · 2018-07-24 10:48

诗词西韵 (42)  Waterfalls running afar 桂枝香 飞瀑流泉

        振公子 (2018 年 7 月 23 日)

When leaves dropped off from the treetop

I climbed up the mountain and made a stop

In front of a down-pouring waterfall

Out of breath I stood speechlessly in awe

Thousands of water beads dashed down

To a pool blue like jewels on the crown

Oh sunset, did you know why the rapids

Left the misty comfortable valleys

What lied ahead?

Rise and fall of moon and sunset

After years passing by

It tasted loneliness and trials

Up and down, ebb and flow

Many things happened on the road

Where was the idea of the beginning

After years of restless worldly living

From the south to the north

The road curved back and forth

From the west to the east

The heart to the sea never ceased

Rain or shine, spring or fall

It moved forward as was made for

Dirty or clean

It was born pure and green

桂枝香 飞瀑流泉

        振公子 (2017 年 10 月)



(中文英文皆为振公子原创,版权所有©, 总第0332号。图片来自网络)


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