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Regulations expected soon for orderly overseas listings

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2021-12-03 10:12
New rules to support orderly overseas stock exchange listings by local companies and strengthen oversight of under-regulated ownership structures are expected to be released soon, experts said on Thursday.On Wednesday, the China Securities Regulatory Commission denied foreign media reports that the commission will ban overseas listings of Chinese companies that use the variable interest entity or VIE structure."We have noticed the reports. The information is not true," the commission said in a statement.Under a VIE structure, an offshore-registered company takes control of a mainland-based business through contracts, bypassing pre-listing scrutiny by domestic authorities. Many internet firms, like Tencent and Sina, have been listed overseas via the structure.▲ Photo/ICRen Zeyu, an associate professor at China University of Political Science and Law in Beijing, said the commissio ………………………………

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