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古玩交流汇  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-04-18 10:07
中国古代钱币之一。Ancient China One of the tokens.清康熙皇帝在位六十一年,因为当时社会政治比较稳定,经济发展很快,商品交换、货币经济也非常发达,所以康熙一朝的钱币铸造得非常精美,大都很规整,钱型厚重,文字美观大方,而且铸量极大,存世非常丰富。Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty was in office for 61 years. Because of the relatively stable social and political situation, rapid economic development, commodity exchange and highly developed monetary economy, the coins of the Kangxi Dynasty were exquisitely minted, most of them were very regular, the money type was heavy, the words were beautiful and generous, and the amount of coins was huge and the world was very rich.圣祖康熙年间铸,面文楷书直读,背记局,分“满文”“满汉文”二种,满文钱仿顺治四 ………………………………

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