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英国报姐  · 公众号  · 英国  · 2018-09-19 21:04
超级马里奥,今天在推特上火了!不过,火的不是马里奥本人,也不是他要救的小公主,而是一直以来都是群演的这群蘑菇:奇诺比奥!(图源:任天堂)虽然超级马里奥在美国也是很火的,但这次并不是任天堂公司的一次营销,而是因为:川普的老情人,Stormy Daniels在她的新书《Full Disclosure》中,把川普的小伙伴,比作了小“蘑菇”…(图源:youtube)“He knows he has an unusual penis,” Daniels writes. “It has a huge mushroom head. Like a toadstool …“I lay there, annoyed that I was getting fucked by a guy with Yeti pubes and a dick like the mushroom character in Mario Kart ...“It may have been the least impressive sex I’d ever had, but clearly, he didn’t share that opinion.”“川普知道他的小伙伴长得不太正常”Daniels 写道 “它有一个 ………………………………

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