专栏名称: 古玩权威交易中心
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古玩权威交易中心  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-04-15 19:02
袁大头”是值钱的,因为大部分都是银子做的,我们通常叫“袁大头”银币,真金白银,从古至今都是有价值的,所以银子做的“袁大头”银币当然就值钱了呀。在加上“袁大头”是一些藏家投资的通货,币商和藏家都爱投资收藏,通货的优点就是对现也快,如果想脱手,急需资金周转,只要舍得割爱,一枚价格稍微低于当时市场普通成交价格120万元左右。"Yuan Datou" is valuable because most of it is made of silver. We usually call it "Yuan Datou" silver coin. Real gold and silver are valuable from ancient times to today. So the "Yuan Datou" silver coin made by silver is certainly valuable.In addition, "Yuan Datou" is the currency invested by some collectors. Money merchants and collectors love to invest in collections. The advantage of currency is that it is fast n ………………………………

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