专栏名称: 社会学理论大缸
网址www.sociologicaltheory.cn以抢二道贩子饭碗为目标,传达学习Sociological Theory等英文期刊前沿经典有关精神,抓好摘译推送中心工作,把推动汉语社会学理论发展作为根本遵循、行动指南和精神动力个屁。
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社会学理论大缸  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2020-01-05 09:42
Roberts, William Clare. forthcoming.’What Was Primitive Accumulation? Reconstructing the Origin of a Critical Concept’. European Journal of Political Theory. (图片来源:《月薪娇妻》)“原始积累”是个原始的概念吗?是过时的概念吗?——不是。1. 当代:“原始积累”仍被应用于资本主义研究,但被重新命名、定义与理解比如: we are living in ‘an era of primitive accumulation’ (Federici, 2012: 138) When 大卫哈维也说David Harvey (2004: 64) claims that ‘the hallmark of [. . .] ‘‘the new imperialism’’’ of the 21st century is ‘accumulation by dispossession’, he is rechristening and reformulating Marx’s notion.大卫哈维是说:原始积累是资本主义内在的。According to Harvey, however, ‘accumulation based upon predation, fraud, and violence’ is immanent in the ………………………………

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