专栏名称: 政治哲学研究
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海外新书速递 | 柏拉图《法篇》全新英译本

政治哲学研究  · 公众号  · 哲学  · 2022-05-14 12:00
Laws[1] 书籍信息Plato, Laws,  Translated, with Introduction and Notes, by C. D. C. Reeve, Hackett, March 2022.[2] 译者简介C. D. C. Reeve (born September 10, 1948) is a philosophy professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He works primarily in Ancient Greek philosophy, especially Plato and Aristotle. He has also published work in the philosophy of sex and love, and on film. He has translated many Ancient Greek texts, mostly by Plato and Aristotle.[3] 评价"This is a superb new translation that is remarkably accurate to Plato's very difficult Greek, yet clear and highly readable. The notes are more helpful than those in any other available translation of the Laws since they contain both the information needed by the beginning student as well as analytical notes that include references to the secondary literature for the more advanced reader. For either the beginner or the scholar, this should be the preferred translation."    —Christopher B ………………………………

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